[스크랩] SOP8 4in1 어댑터 사용법
Figure.1 SOP8 4in1 adapter
1. Overview of SOP8 4in1 adapter.
SOP8 4in1 adapter is an amazing tool to handle a SOP8 Flashrom/EEPROMs.
You can reduce solder-works dramatically with this adapter.
And this adapter resolved most of limits of previous product.
SOP8 4in1 adapter has 4 major function.
1. SOP8 150mil solderless socket
2. SOP8 200mil solderless socket
3. SOP8 200mil TEST CLIP
(150mil is available with special order or pin-bending.)
4. SPI SOP8 200mil BIOS emulator
(150mil is available with special order or pin-bending.)
※ Definitions:
· Primary flashrom : A BIOS flashrom that soldered on motherboard.
· Secondary flashrom : A spare flashrom, it works instead of Primary flashrom, when boot.
· Flashrom Swap : Transferring a Primary flashrom interface to Secondary flashrom.
2. Socket Structure
Figure.2 Socket structure
As above photo, adapter has long 8-pin legs in suitable layout.
The 8-pins are structured with 4 sections that has 2 pins.
And each section's layout is little narrower than flashrom's leg distance.
So, each section pushes attached flashrom to center direction with same force.
As result, the flashrom will be hold in stable state and all pins are connected with flashrom's leg.
* Easy Plugging guide.
* Insert flashrom with 45˚ angle.
Figure.3 Easy Plugging guide
3. The principle of Reverse Socket
Question : Is it possible to update an on-board flashrom that is direct connected to my programmer?
Answer : No, it is impossible.
As shown below, soldered flashrom is connected to many other unknown device in motherboard.
So, if you tie programmer to flashrom without isolation of the flashrom, programmer will fail because of these unknown devices.
Figure.4 Simple connecting structure of BIOS Flashrom and Motherboard
motherboard, unintended connection is created. and it will re-enable a Primary flashrom without POWER OFF.
Figure.5 concept - When flashrom was connected directly to programmer without disconnecting from the
At worst case, if power is overloaded, motherboad, power unit, programmer, flashrom and on board the various
components (CPU, memory, VGA, Harddisk...) can be fried.
So, you should NEVER EVER try this.
We need a new method, and one of simple method is adding a secondary flashrom.
Figure.6 Cconcept - Adding of new flashrom, red-line is reverse socket.
In this case, we have to make the Primary flashrom disable when attaching the Secondary flashrom.
So, reverse socket must have a function that is a disableing a Primary flashrom.
Result, motherboard can boot to OS with Secondary flashrom.
After boot, you can pull-out a 'Reverse socket and Secondary flashrom' from M/B,
In this status, we can update(or fix) Primary flashrom with BIOS update tool of motherboard manufacture.
As a result, you have a chance to update a BIOS without soldering by Reverse socket.
And you should understand reverse socket has two functions.
· to disable/ebable Primary flashrom and Secondary flashrom.
· to make a connection between Primary flashrom and Secondary flashrom without soldering.
4. Function description
4.1 SOP8 150mil/200mil Socket
In this mode, adapter makes a physical link between your 8pin SMD SPI flashrom and Programmer's DIP-8pin socket.
4.2 SOP8 200mil TEST-CLIP
In this mode, adapter makes a physical link between your 8pin SMD SPI flashrom
and Programmer's DIP-8pin socket(by Test Clip without soldering).
A flashrom of some M/B or most of 24C** EEPROM(need 150mil version) can be writed with this adapter.
Howevr, it is dependent on circuit design of tager M/B.
Please read above 'The principle of Reverse Socket'.
I don't guarantee about your wrong application.
4.3 SOP8 200mil BIOS Emulator
It makes a physical link between a Primary flashrom and Secondary flashrom(by Test Clip without soldering).
And it disable a Primary flashrom and bypass BUS to Secondary flashrom.
Result, motherboard can boot to OS with Secondary flashrom.
※ Caution
a. Secondary flashrom is writed with correct BIOS file of target M/B before use.
So, you should have any SPI progammer.
b. As above, Secondary flashrom must be compatible or same with Primary flashrom.
c. SPI Reverse Socket can work only with standard SPI circuit design of INTEL.
Most of M/B follows a Intel design rule.
However, some manufacturers has their own design.
In this case, SPI Reverse Socket may not work.
However, don't worry. there is solution to resolve it.
Please follow 'Usage'.
5. Usage
5.1 Useing solderless SOP8 150mil/200mil socket.
Parts needed : 4in1 Adapter, 4pin Pin-header socket x 2, Programmer(support DIP8)
Conditions to Use :
a. Jumper setting is 2-3
b. Programmer's 8pin pin-out must be tied to flashrom's each pin with 1:1 position.
a. Configure adapter like below illustration.
Plug pin-hader socket
Jumper setting is 2-3.
b. Connect Adpater to programmer with correct direction.
c. Connect flashrom to adpater with correct direction.
Figure.7 Socket mode Setting
5.2 Useing SOP8 200mil TEST-CLIP.
Parts needed : 4in1 Adapter, 4pin Pin-header socket x 2, 4pin cable x 2, Programmer(support DIP8)
Conditions to Use :
a. Jumper setting is 2-3
b. Programmer's 8pin pin-out must be tied to flashrom's each pin with 1:1 position.
Be careful of cable direction.
It is mirror(RIGHT <=> LEFT) position of SOP8 socket mode
a. Configure adapter like below illustration.
Jumper setting is 2-3.
b. Link Adapter to programmer with 4pin cable and Pin-header socket(if necessary).
Be careful of cable direction.
It is mirror(RIGHT <=> LEFT) position of SOP8 socket mode
Figure.8 TEST-CLIP mode Setting
* Check point before useing.
a. Direct writing mode is called On-line programming.
But, most of case, it does not work with typical PC M/B.
I recommend to use it with only ASUS or some MSI M/B.
(They have a SPI pin-header.)
b. Direct writing mode of I2C(24C) EEPROM is available with NANO USB programmer
c. If possible, I recommend to use a BIOS emulator function for fixing a PC BIOS.
Most of case(99.99%), it is usable
5.3 Useing SOP8 200mil BIOS Emulator.
Parts needed : 4in1 Adapter, 4pin Pin-header socket x 2, 4pin cable x 2, Programmer(support DIP8),
SOP8 adapter + Secondary flashrom(compatible with Primary Flashrom) set
Conditions to Use :
a. Jumper setting is 1-2, 3-4
b. Be careful of install direction.
On-board flashrom must be tied with Secondary flashrom via adapter.
c. Secondary flashrom must be writed with correct M/B BIOS before useing.
d. Only work with SPI flashrom. (don't use with other interface like 24C, 93C)
e. In standard design, there is a resistor between Vcc and #HOLD pin like next picture.
The resistor must be over 600 ohm.
Check it with multimeter before use.
Figure.9 Design rule check
If Vcc and #HOLD is tied directly or resistor is under 600 ohm, you have to do Pin-cutting method like below.
(If Design rule check was passed(R > 600ohm), you don't need to do this method.)
Figure.10 Cut #Hold pin
Figure.11 Bend up
Figure.12 Pin cutting result
a. Write a correct BIOS of target M/B to Secondary flashrom with your Programmer.
* Secondary flashrom must be compatible or same with Primary flashrom.
(Most of case, W25Q64 is compatible with most of SPI flashrom.)
* TEST-CLIP mode is useful to write the Secondary flashrom
b. Plug the Secondary flashrom to 4in1 Adapter like Figure.13.
c. Join 4in1 adapter to On-board flashrom like Figure.13.
* Caution :
a. Target M/B must be in Power OFF.
b. Flashrom and it's PCB has a marking(dot, latch or tab) at Pin.1 side.
d. Turn on target PC. M/B will boot with Secondary flashrom.
(recommended to copy a BIOS update tool and BIOS file to harddisk before boot)
e. When, OS is fully booted and ready to run the BIOS update utility,
REMOVE the 4in1 adapter from Primary flashrom carefully.
* Caution :
If you had done Pin cutting method, you have to do next before going to next step.
(1) Don't remove 4in1 adapter form Primary flashrom.
(2) Remove SOP8 adapter(with Spare flashrom) from 4in1 adapter.
(3) Switch Jumper "1-2, 3-4" to "2-3".
(4) Short pin.[7:8] like Figure.14
And end of h-step, remove 4in1 adpater form Primary flashrom.
Then, reconnect #hold pin with soldering after power off.
If you don't want soldering, you can stop at step.d.
f. Update a Primary flashrom with manufacturer's BIOS update tool.
g. If success, reboot the motherboard and check BIOS update.
Figure.13 BIOS Emulator mode Setting
Figure.14 Reconnect #Hold-Vcc setting